In order to streamline the availability of the spiritual books written by written by revered Mahayogi Pilot Baba. an aspirant can get in touch with Delhi Ashram at the following phone number : 9891091910 or alternatively write at the following email id [email protected].
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Unveils Mystery of Himalaya (Part 1), Discover secret of The Himalaya (Part 2)– By Mahayogi Pilot Baba
A master piece. Revered Mahayogi Pilot Baba unveiling his experiences in Himalayas during his 16 year rigorious penance as also his interaction with age oldliving saints of Himalayas like Mahavtaar Babaji, Ashwathama, Kripacharya and much more. Revelation of sacred and secret science of Samadhi.
Himalaya Kaha Raha Hai Part 1 and Part 2 (Hindi)
INNER JOURNEY – Part One and part Two
– By Mahayogi Pilot Baba
English translation of hindi version – Antaryatra
Antaryatra – Part One, Part Two ( Hindi )
– By Mahayogi Pilot Baba
An insight into deepest mystery of yogic lore explained by revered Mahayogi Pilot Babaji in common man’s language. A must read for all.
So I found – by Mahayogi Pilot Baba
– By Mahayogi Pilot Baba
” I want you to continue with your journey and help you with your journey.
I wish to share with you those truths that I have realised”.
Pearls of Wisdom
– By Mahayogi Pilot Baba
( A heart rendering collection of Mahayogi’s Wisdom in form of small notes )
“…..Consciousness does not change because consciousness is always the same.
The object of awareness changes……..
….keep yourself so fertile like fertile soil – in which the divine seed may easily grow”
Who Am I ?
– By Mahayogi Pilot Baba
A memoriable talk by Mahayogi Pilot Baba
on ‘Self’. To feel and experience its subtle vibratons, it has been
given a shape of a book. A must read for seekers of Self.
Pilgrimage from You to Yourself
– By Mahayogi Pilot Baba
This book is a call to all,
to fall in love
with wisdom of Samadhi
Not only the books mentioned above but more have been added on . A treat to read.
NAV-NIRMAN – volume 1 and 2
A beautiful book blessed by Pujya Babaji. The story of three souls who had done lot of Sadhana in the past and were led to Gurudeva in this present time to continue their Sadhana, is a mind-boggling story. The most secret knowledge of Himalayan Sidhhas is being given out for the first time. A must read for all those who wish to progress on the evolutionary path.
– Himalayan Siddha Yoga
– Samdhi
– Love
( This being the latest one ) a book of its kind. With very powerful messages from the masters. Read it to feel it and experience it.